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In the case where there are many vertical elements (solar bases, railings, photovoltaic panels, etc.) on the surface that we want to waterproof, a very good and efficient proposal is the coated waterproofing materials.

There are several categories of materials for roof waterproofing, which are depending on their composition and are divided into:

  • Acrylic sealants which are diluted with water with an average maintenance time of 2-4 years
  • Hybrid technology materials (acrylic resins with polyurethane and other components) with an aqueous base with an average maintenance time of 5-7 years.
  • Polyurethane waterproofing materials (solvent polyurethane) with an average maintenance time of 6-8 years and good performance in puddled water, if a protective coating is applied.
  • Water-based polyurethane sealants (water-based polyurethane) with an average maintenance time of 6-8 years and good performance in puddled water.
  • Polyurea (two-component waterproofing material), with an average maintenance time of 8-10 years with excellent mechanical and puddled water resistance.

Check out our highly competitive prices for waterproofing your building with the most efficient materials of market!

Important Tip: In case of waterproofing a surface with a polyurethane solvent-based waterproofing material (Mariseal 250, Hyperdesmo, Isoflex PU etc.) it is of significant importance to protect the waterproofing coating from exposure to solar radiation.


For more detailed information see the corresponding article by clicking here.

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Insulation - Thermal insulation - Waterproofing