This is a high-quality roof waterproofing system for long term durability. After application, it forms a moisture-proof membrane, free of bubbles and microporosity, with high resistance to solar radiation and mechanical stress.
- We make a very good cleaning on the background of loose materials, peeling paint, dust and oils. The substrate must be free of surface moisture and stagnant water.
- Local repairs are made with resinous repair mortar in various local areas of the roof.
- In case of existing construction expansion joints, they shall be filled with polyurethane mastic if required.
- At the points of increased stresses on the surface, such as the junction of the floor with the guardrail and the vertical elements with a diameter of more than 10 cm, in addition to the main waterproofing we place additional reinforcement, thus definitively sealing these points.
- Two layers (consumption 1kg - 1.2kg/m2) of water polyurethane elastomer Neoproof Polyurea R by Neotex company.
- No squeaking, no chalking, no need for protective paint.
- Very high mechanical strength.
- Excellent resistance to solar radiation.
- Unique resistance to stagnant water.
- Retains flexibility over a wide temperature range from -30oC - +80oC.
- Absence of holes on the surface during curing of the material.
- Resistance to early rainfall, 1 hour after application.
- Excellent crack bridging properties.
- Application by roller or airless gun.
- Ensured long-term waterproofing protection.