However Cool roofs system, is an innovative insulation method that comes to make a substantial contribution to the energy upgrade of a building, providing a highly efficient protection net and keeping the building cool.
"Monodomiki", which has been active for many years in the insulation sector, has the appropriate expertise and experience. Monodomiki also specializes in cold roofs and we have prepared a practical guide that will help you better understand the multiple benefits of this innovation.
What is cool roof system?
Practically, cool roofs "shield" our building, providing a safety net that prevents solar radiation from entering and keeps our home cool. To create cool roofs, a highly reflective paint or sheeting with reflective properties is placed on the roof of our building. These are constructed in such a way that they prevent solar radiation from entering and absorb less heat.
In this way the roof of our building, despite temperatures rise in the environment and the heat waves that may affect our region, remains cool and thus reduce the need for air conditioning [or other cooling media] inside our building by up to 30%. Therefore, Cool roofs not only provide us with a cooler home, being an effective way of dealing with the heat wave, but also help us to reduce our household energy costs, as the need for such frequent - and intensive - use of air conditioning is reduced.
If we assume that a building in which no ceiling insulation has been applied [or the right choice of reliable and quality insulation materials has not been made] has a ceiling temperature of 40 degrees Celsius. That means that there are 33 degrees Celsius inside our house, and by applying the 'cool roofs' system we will be able to reduce the ceiling temperature to 32 degrees Celsius and rooms temperature to 25 degrees Celsius. The difference will be more than noticeable and we will enjoy an improved sense of coolness inside our building, even in the rooms that are not air-conditioned.
How they are applied
In order to turn your building into an "impregnable" castle in the ‘’battle’’ with the heat wave, all you have to do is to choose the cool roof system, by applying reliable and quality materials such as the INSULADD ceramic thermosphere used by "Monodomiki" that will allow you to create a secure protection net and see your electricity bills "deflate" already from the first month. In fact, you can combine our innovative cool roof system with waterproofing of yours at the same time, in order to enjoy a fully shielded and secure home for many, many years to come.
At "Monodomiki" our highly trained staff can undertake the inspection and project of your building's roof, by suggesting the best solution and utilizing the multiple benefits of cool roofs We can also help you achieve a cool, energy upgraded and fully secure home for you and your family